How To Become A Member
Step 1
Let’s Get Your Information
Filling out a membership form accomplishes two things. First, it lets our church leadership know you are serious about church membership. Second, it gives us the best, most up-to-date information about you and your family. Our goal is to make sure every person desiring to be a part of our faith family has the opportunity to truly belong.
Step 2
Meet With A Pastor
We ask every person desiring membership with Church at The Mill to sit down with one of our pastors for a confidential, yet relaxed, time of fellowship, discussion and prayer. We believe in fulfilling our role as a church by taking time to find out how we can truly help you in your journey of following Christ. We will be glad to meet with you during a time that works well for you and your family. Once you and the pastor are comfortable moving forward in the membership process, you will be invited to attend an upcoming membership class.
Step 3
Membership Class
During this class, our pastor will share the vision for the church, along with the vital role that every member can and should play. Individuals will be given a membership covenant that we asked them to sign as an outward profession of their desire to be faithful church members. The membership class is offered on select Sunday afternoons with a meal to follow. Childcare is provided and older children are welcome to participate in the class.
Step 4
Meet Your Church Family
New members who have completed the process are asked to join the pastor at the end of a scheduled Sunday morning service to be briefly introduced and welcomed.

I’m Ready to Get Started!
Get started on your membership process by filling out this form.
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